« on: May 23, 2011, 02:34:25 pm » |
I would greatly appreciate being able to send someone a couple of sheets of silver that I would like textured..
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2011, 10:18:42 am » |
I have a rolling mill - only about a 3" width - the texture wheels are not very nice looking - I never use them. Some of the suppliers sell textured sheet - or take an old hammer and cut texture into the head with a thin grinder disk, and hammer texture it.
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2011, 10:51:53 am » |
George, I have a 3" mill at home that I have set up but not yet used because the shop is too messy. I will also have access this summer to the 4" one at the local arts center studio. I have about 8 or 10 different brass texture sheets too.
Get in touch if nobody else offers to do this for you. I prefer to be the backup plan though because I might be a bit slow since my health is up and down on a day by day basis, and I have a bunch of other projects - including getting the shop in order.
- Daniel (when everything is exceptional, nothing is)
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2011, 12:49:06 pm » |
George: I have access to rolling mills, but I cannot promise I could get there in a reasonable time. The good news is that I am going to have chemo without waiting for the end of the month of my antibiotic. (of course, that means the bad news is that I probably am going to be out of it and unable to go to shops where rolling mills are). anyway, I wanted to tell you what little I know about texturing silver. I understand, but have never used, the brass texturing sheets are nice. I have textured silver sheets with coarse sandpaper, metal (and other) screens. In order to use this you must make a complete sandwich: silver; texturing thingy; and a final sheet of non ferrus metal (silver, copper, or brass) The texturing thingy must be completely covered or it will damage the rolls.
have fun. I will try to add a pic whenever I can.
Stay healthy in 2011. . . . and don't forget to eat some dark chocolate! Gregor
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2011, 05:28:50 pm » |
I have 2 rolling mills, one is about 2 1/2" wide and one is about 4-5" wide. No pre-textured rollers to go in them; I use my own materials to add texture to the sheet metal.
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2011, 06:07:26 pm » |
Hey George, Put up a post over on the Jewelry Artist Network, you're a member over there and I know several of folk over there have mills and a lot of different texture plates. That's how I found this forum.
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2011, 06:10:27 pm » |
I have 2 rolling mills, one is about 2 1/2" wide and one is about 4-5" wide. No pre-textured rollers to go in them; I use my own materials to add texture to the sheet metal.
Gina.. The last person who textured for me ( no longer here ) I believed used screening.. Like the screen in a window to get the results on the backing of this piece I did. Anything similar from your own materials would be a-ok ..
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2011, 05:04:24 pm » |
PM'd you~ :)
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2011, 09:16:55 pm » |
That's gorgeous George (not the wrestler..... ) I think a coarser sand paper was probably used for that texture.....looks great though.
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2011, 09:43:50 pm » |
That's gorgeous George (not the wrestler..... ) I think a coarser sand paper was probably used for that texture.....looks great though. Thanks... Now that I think about it, wonder if it was not sand paper ! Hmmm.... It sure looks more like sand paper texture..
Looking at that piece George. I'm wondering if you couldn't take a piece of reall coarse sand paper. Like 36 gritt & place it on the siver with a flat piece on top. Then hammer it into the silver sheet to get a texture like that? Silver is pretty soft. I've seen some different texturing hammers around but never gotten any. Mike
Then hammer it into the silver sheet to get a texture like that? Might be able to, but would much rather run it through a mill...
Hey George.......I tried out the hammer method mentioned above and it doesn't work very well. Definitely not as good as rolling. This is a piece of 26g sheet, 1 1/8"x1 3/8". I placed it on a 3/4" thick steel disc I use for smithing, used 60 grit sand paper and topped it with 14g brass. After moderately pounding it with my ball peen hammer for about a minute (combined) and moving the paper around on it , this is what I came up with. It would take much more pounding to get the texture your piece has and I still don't think it would turn out as well vs the amount of work to get there.
Thanks for that Steve...
I am also afraid that the surface would be uneven resulting in additional difficulty towards soldering the bezel tape to it..
With a mill, it would be much more consistant..
Thanks again !