Just an afterthought. Not all the scammers are in China.
Today my Gut Feeling (aka Premonition) told me to walk away from a Used Diamond Pacific Cabber on eBay. Replies from the seller to questions were vague... even weird... what does the fact that it shoots water 4 feet tell me!?!
Request for a clear photo was met with "no more pictures took".
Well, I took that photo and photoshopped it. When I brightened it it looked like 50% rust. Obviously worn wheels - the seller "didn't know" how long they had it - even a window would help.
Anyway, I RAN, not walked away. I hadn't placed a bid, but stayed around for the results, as it was closing soon. Well, the last bid was $1325 and the auction closed due to "Reserve Not Met". Right. Never ignore that little voice!
Anyway, it was immediately relisted and I see it over $1000 within hours. Hope someone has a lot of Zud!
Too bad the voices were silent when I bought the used Rock Rascal. Being new to all this, the photo looked good and pricing seemed like a deal. Well, after receiving it, I opened the top to see rust that would rival any of my early cars.
Live and learn. Well, some elbow grease and my new found rust remover (Evaporust) cleaned things up pretty well. Wht do manufacturers , knowing there will be inevitable exposure to water, not use stainless screws, etc. and use soon to be rust dust steel?
I'll keep putting my pennies in the piggy, tomorrow I am going to the CabKing showroom nearby. The only thing lapidary related in Illinois that I know of. I may end up becoming a machinist after all this.
Bye all, and listen to the voice... it's your experience and insight talking.
Hey Fred Billy here aka messofrocks
To me it is always best to purchase things off Craigs List or if you are lucky like me from time to time you can get these things for free off of CL, The benefit of CL you can go check it out first before buying, the down fall only shop your area within in X-amount distance you are willing to travel and strikeout because it is crap when you get there.
So far I got a 12" saw free but missed out on a cabber because I was a second to late, the saw has been a work horse and since yesturday cut over 100 slabs.
Check out what is being offered in my area at this time and within my acceptable travel distance
http://sfbay.craigslist.org/search/sss?=sss&query=lapidary nearly every day this will change.