This is what Roy has posted so far at the USFGFaceterslist at Yahoo.
Below is the program for the FFF3.
2010 Franklin Faceter's Frolic
Location: Fun Factory
1024 Georgia Road (Hwy 23/441)
Franklin, NC
Date: Saturday, July 24, 2010
Hours: (9AM to 6PM)
Admission: Free, but purchase of raffle tickets suggested.
Six hourly door prizes and a Grand Prize!
Scheduled Events:
9:00AM: Dealer Displays open
9:30AM: Jon Rolfe: "Theories of Polishing" (Rear Meeting Hall)
10:00AM: Demonstrations, Small Banquet Rooms
Beginning Faceting, Will Smith
Concave Faceting, Poly-metric OMF machine, Norm Holbert
Fantasy and Concave Cutting, UltraTec machine, Dalan Hargrave
11:30AM: Marsh Howard: "Polishing with the Lightning Lap" (Rear
Meeting Hall)
Noon: Lunch. Two restaurants available in the Fun Factory
1:00PM Dalan Hargrave: Developments in Concave and Fantasy Cutting (RMH)
2:00PM Demonstrations, Small Banquet Rooms
Demonstrations of 10AM are repeated
3:00PM Mary Lou Kick: Identifying and Choosing Facet Rough
4:00PM Round Table Discussion & Wrap-up
5:00PM Dealers Remain Open/Social Hour & Dinner
We are very excited to have two of the most innovative product manufacturers
in the world of faceting, Jon Rolfe and Marsh Howard, presenting. In addition,
renowned award winning gem designer and carver Dalan Hargrave will be
presenting and demonstrating and Mary Lou Kick, a commercial cutter with
thirty years' experience and a graduate gemologist, will show you how to
shop for and get the most out of your rough.
There will be seven dealers represented, carrying all the newest products and
also offering great facet rough. Faceting Machines represented will be
Fac-ette Gem Master II, Graves Mark V, Jersey Instruments OmniE,
Polymetric OMF, and UltraTec Fantasy Cut Machine.
I will publish a dealer's list and further info tomorrow.
Please email me if you have questions, but please
READ THE ABOVE CAREFULLY FIRST, as the answers to most of your
questions are there. If you don't receive a reply, your question is answered
on the List (usfgfaceterlist at Yahoo).
Hello All,
The current dealer list for the FFF3 is below. I think
you will find some very good deals on equipment and
supplies and rough.
Beckham's Barn: lapidary supplies, Gearloose products,
Mark V faceting machine, facet rough.
Marsh Howard: Lightning Laps, the Magdop, "The Beast"
polish, diamond grits.
Faceting Machines:
Fac-ette: represented by Tyler Miller. Fac-ette will show
their new "baby" Gem Master.
Omni: Charlie Musitano of Jersey Instruments will show
a new and improved version of his machine.
Choice Gems: Kingsley Ndoh will be visiting from Nigeria
with rough direct from the miners there. <>
Custom Cut Gems: Lisa Elser has rough from Tanzania and
Madagascar and elsewhere. <>
Intimate Gems: Farooq Hashmi has rough from all over, esp.
Pakistan. <>
Dave Perry: Dave is a commercial cutter from New England
and will have an interesting collection of rough.
I think you will be pleased with what the dealers have to offer!
See you there!
Roy Kersey
Program Committee
I am shooting video for both Youtube and a DVD.