has some very nice kits. I have built about 6 of them so far. Heating up handles to about 200 degrees works if the scale (handle) is epoxied or just glued on. Most however have a rivet or two that the head of will have to be ground down a bit first.
If getting a knife either as a kit or new or used, something very important to consider it having a straight line on the bolster, or you having the right equipment to grind stone to a very precise curve, usually much smaller than a wheel on our cabbing machines.
This is one I did a few years ago. It actually has a 16-1 cab for the button. Yup, push the button and it switches open very fast! The safety button on top is 14K gold along with the gold in the former thumb stud location. It has a Damascus blade, scales are from burl Olive....... still have this one!