Hello everyone,
I received 2 tourmalines from one of my clients for recutting into artistic-cuts and I wanted to make a quick post explaining everyone the importance of good cutting.
2.83ct Green Tourmaline (Click this link to view photo - )
2.59ct Green Tourmaline (Click this link to view photo - )
As you can see these have been cut & maintained very poorly evident by the scuffs, scratches and chipped off facets on the surface of the stones and lack of brilliance. (Click link to view photo- ).
So, our customer has requested them to be re-cut into Artistic cuts to improve the brilliance and value of these stones.
We have chosen cuts called “Red Rose” and “Double Cross Square”. Both created by master gem cutter Mr. Jeff R. Graham (Click link to view photo - )
They look absolutely amazing after cutting them. Click these inks to view the images of course It’s hard to see the difference with pictures so I have also made a video and uploaded it to YouTube. Please click this link and watch how it looks on YouTube
As you can see, the difference is massive compared to how the Tourmalines looked before. Many of you already know that "cut" is one of the 4Cs used for grading gemstones, and this example highlights the importance of a high-quality cut.
I hope this post was beneficial for you and thank you for your interest!
Best Regards
Azard Fazahir