I don't know if everyone else is as fascinated ( ok, maybe a little obsessed ! ;D ) by the Morrisonite that has presented itself recently via Philip and his
Rare Rocks and Gems site, and Sniper Auctions.
Thought it might be fun to post a map, pics, and links that I have run into while searching.
Where it is foundThis map shows the Oregon/Idaho border area, which includes the rugged Owyhee Mountains, River, and surrounds. The red dot indicates the site of the old claims, which I'm told have been blasted closed by the Bureau of Land Management to prevent any further mining in those hazardous pits. The claims are now defunct, and today, the only Morrisonite available is what has already been harvested.
Interestingly, it's worth mentioning that many other notable gem materials also hail from this unique area. For instance, Owyhee jasper, flower jasper, Snake River agate, as well as Graveyard Point, Northridge and Nyssa plume agates are also found in this same remarkable vicinity. It's a virtual rockhound's paradise!
Location -- Morrisonite Mining Claims
Jordan Craters North, Oregon
US Geological Survey quadrangle map
Morrison Ranch Jasper Morrison Ranch Jasper from Oregon, a High-Desert region known locally as "The Owyhees". The Morrison Ranch Jasper, refered to as Morrisonite represents a better quality Jasper in both color and pattern. There have been 5 Morrisonite claims over the years. The: Meadowlark, Veronica Lee, Amy Ellen, Christine Marie, and Verla Ruth. The Owyhees are spectacular with unparalleled beauty as this picture from the mine shows.
The Jasper occurs as seams and pockets in the host Rhyolite. This picture shows a thick seam of Morrisonite set against an Owyhee background.
This picture shows a thick seam of Morrisonite imbeded in it's Rhyolite host.
The last picture shows some Jasper rough after bringing it in from the mine. This Rough is from a RimRock Jasper claim. A separate species of Jasper in the area unlike the five Morrisonite Claims.
MiningA. Morrison Ranch Jasper
Mining claimsThe first mineral location or claim filed on the Morrisonite Jasper deposits was established in 1964 by Arnold Peterson and Emmett Morris. This claim was later dropped. In 1971 Ed Brandt filed the Christine Marie claim and J. Longwell filed the Big Hole claim.
In 1973 Charlie Caress filed the Big Hole II claim to the north of the Big Hole location. In 1971 Ed Brandt filed the Amy Ellen claim overlapping and extending to the south of the Christine Marie. The Amy Ellen claim has a long tall rock formation on it referred to as "the pinnacle".
Read more from the website with more map images......
Although....... This is without a doubt more my cup of tea. This looks like it would be a blast ! Maybe it's just because of my liking and experience in working during severe winter conditions...
Life at the Mine -- May 17, 1989