Well maybe more like peace talks

I will try to make it short. 13 years ago when we bought this place my wife loved the house and I didn't really look at it. My eyes were looking at the 30 x 40 pole barn that had a 12 x 30 room built into it with a steel man door. It also had a 10 x 12 office built in. The wall are the 3 inch insulated double steel wall panels that were salvaged from a old factory wall. It was al my space a nice man cave.
We had 2 girls and the invasion start slow and got faster as they got older.
Fast foreword to yesterday. We were all out here and the topic of how mess it was. That was the moment to get more space back.
I agreed that it was a mess but a large part of the mess was made by the 3 females in the house. At the end of the peace talks I got an additional 8 ft of wall space I took some tape and put it on the floor to split the area into equal parts and the male of the house would clean his and the females clean the rest.
I just put a shelf on my new wall and getting ready to build a work bench.