A) buy rough
B) cut stones
C) make jewelry
D) give the best stuff to your wife
E) sell the rest, and
F) buy more rough.
All the while hoping that what you sell will always be a little bit more than what your next purchase costs.
Too funny... ! :D
I am not aware of any chemical hazards while working silver, nor aware of any gasses being emitted.
Hmmm.... Is the pickle hazardous.. I don't believe so...
I have all my jewelry making things and torch set up in my living room.. It's large and I have a whole area to myself.. I have had a whiff of propane when starting out, but well.... Oh...... I dont know .. Is that hazardous??
If I get a good whiff, sometimes I can actually solder !!
I know and understand about not being able to sleep.. Sometimes my mind just will not settle down.. I start out with sheep, but end up cabbing!