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256  Stone Talk / Moderator, Hummingbirdstones ( Robin ) / Rough on the bench and slabs off the saw (general minerals board) / Re: Anyone Know What This Is? on: May 18, 2015, 04:37:54 am

Looked up Marcasite in a couple of books (Smithsonian) that I have and the description
fits good. Color not really but they do say it darkens with exposure so you are probably

Thanks again,

257  Stone Talk / Moderator, Hummingbirdstones ( Robin ) / Rough on the bench and slabs off the saw (general minerals board) / Anyone Know What This Is? on: May 17, 2015, 02:40:10 pm
Sorry, the pictures are not very good.

It's kinda metallic, gun metal color, and heavier that other rocks.
Don't have a macro setting on my camera but if I look close up
it is comprised of tiny little facets that glitter.

I weighed a piece of Chestnut Jasper that was about the same size
and it weighed 1 oz. The metallic one weighs 2 oz.


258  Lapidary Shop / Moderator, Catmandewe ( Tony ) / Cabbing And Grooving Machines.. Projects / New and Used Reviews / Re: Ameritool Assistance Required on: May 12, 2015, 03:29:17 pm
O.K. Order is in.

Called John and paid for it.

Should ship this week.   yippie

Look out Carol! When I get it I will probably have a ton of questions.   lol

259  Lapidary Shop / Moderator, Catmandewe ( Tony ) / Cabbing And Grooving Machines.. Projects / New and Used Reviews / Re: Ameritool Assistance Required on: May 11, 2015, 03:15:41 pm
When I get your PayPal invoice I can pay that with a credit card through PayPal?

Sorry it's been years since I used PayPal. The account is still open (just checked) just can't remember
how to pay for things with it. Only used it for selling stuff.

260  Custom Designed Jewelry / Members Personal Jewelry Design Experiences / Tutorials / Guides / Re: Jump Rings - Best Size? on: May 11, 2015, 03:31:15 am
That looks great! But a bit more than I can do.

I'm just trying to figure out what size jump rings to get. I know it's relative to the item it's being put on
but was hoping there was a general rule as to size ratio. They have assortments you can get but then
you probably end up with a bunch of sizes that will never use.

261  Custom Designed Jewelry / Members Personal Jewelry Design Experiences / Tutorials / Guides / Re: Jump Rings - Best Size? on: May 10, 2015, 02:59:01 pm
Sorry, should have said Pendants mostly. Maybe the odd necklace.

262  Custom Designed Jewelry / Members Personal Jewelry Design Experiences / Tutorials / Guides / Jump Rings - Best Size? on: May 10, 2015, 02:08:47 pm

What size jump rings do you use?

There are some that are so dang small I don't see how you could use pliers to open and close them.


263  Lapidary Shop / Moderator, Catmandewe ( Tony ) / Cabbing And Grooving Machines.. Projects / New and Used Reviews / Re: Ameritool Assistance Required on: May 09, 2015, 03:59:56 pm

The main purchase will be from JS Gems.

Ameritool direct will be for any replacement sanding discs (which hopefully wont be for a
couple of years) as John doesn't have those listed separately on his web site. Of course
when the time come he may.

Anyway, almost ready, doing up my final list tomorrow.

264  Lapidary Shop / Moderator, Catmandewe ( Tony ) / Cabbing And Grooving Machines.. Projects / New and Used Reviews / Re: Ameritool Assistance Required on: May 09, 2015, 12:02:27 pm

I figured if I, eventually, need replacement sanding discs I can get them there.

BTW, Is Canada considered international?

Can I use your on-line cart system?

265  Custom Designed Jewelry / Members Personal Jewelry Design Experiences / Tutorials / Guides / Re: Parts/Findings Storage on: May 07, 2015, 03:29:16 pm
Thanks for all the suggestions. I do like to be organized. For to many years I just piled stuff up.
Was cleaning out my spare room to make place for my Ameritool and found stuff I don't even remember
buying. LOL!

One good thing I found was a full face/neck acrylic shield. Looks like a welders helmet. Can definitely use that.

Anyway, want to have everything sorted and in some kind of order so keep the suggestions coming.

266  Lapidary Shop / Moderator, Catmandewe ( Tony ) / Cabbing And Grooving Machines.. Projects / New and Used Reviews / Re: Ameritool Assistance Required on: May 07, 2015, 03:22:45 pm
Thanks John!

Will be ordering soon.

267  Custom Designed Jewelry / Show Your Custom Jewelry Designing Photos / Re: More fun than you can shake a stick at! (jewelry projects, lots of pics) on: May 07, 2015, 03:20:37 pm

268  Custom Designed Jewelry / Members Personal Jewelry Design Experiences / Tutorials / Guides / Parts/Findings Storage on: May 07, 2015, 04:41:56 am

Hope this is the right place to put this.

What do you use to store your parts/findings? Clasps, jump rings, chains, etc...
Even finished cabochons.

I have been looking at those parts organizer cabinets (16 drawer, 20 drawer, ...) at Amazon but most
of them the drawers are on the small side. Not sure they will work.

Any suggestions? Ideas?


269  Creative Stone Works / Moderator, Michael Hoover / Beadmaking, Drilling, and Beading / Tutorials / Re: Inspired by a Bactrian/Indus valley beads. on: May 03, 2015, 05:18:50 am

270  Lapidary Shop / Moderator, Catmandewe ( Tony ) / Cabbing And Grooving Machines.. Projects / New and Used Reviews / Re: Ameritool Assistance Required on: May 02, 2015, 02:20:35 pm
O.K. I checked them out. They have the set ( 325, 600, 1200 mesh and polishing pad) of color coded sanding discs that come in the package. They also sell them separately. Looks like they are the flexible type so the sponge discs are good to go. But it seems JS Gems doesn't sell the sanding discs separately from the package.

JS Gems also includes in the package a 180 GRIT 8" DIAMOND LAP which, according to their site, weighs 1 pound so I am assuming that is rigid and the sponge disc would not be needed (Yes? No?).

Would it be odd to have the following: 80 Grit and 180 grit rigid discs, 325, 600, and 1200 flexible discs, and a 3000 grit rigid disc set up?

Don't know if I am mixing apples and oranges. LOL!

Hopefully John at JS Gems will see this and chime in.


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