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1  The Gathering / Shows and Events / Lubbock Gem & Mineral Show, May 7th & 8th on: April 01, 2016, 02:48:38 pm
This will be the 58th Annual show and sale for our club. This year we will also host the South Central Federation of Mineral Society’s Annual Convention. Lubbock Memorial Civic center. More info:
2  Creative Stone Works / Moderator, Michael Hoover / Intarsias / Commesso, and Composite Type Cabs / Tutorials / Re: Composite from the amethyst sage claim on: November 13, 2015, 01:56:46 pm
Very nice!
3  Stone Talk / Moderator, Hummingbirdstones ( Robin ) / Rock Hounding Trips, Tips, and Pics / Re: Russ, nowyo, tried to kill me but in a very good way on: September 30, 2015, 09:23:15 am
Awesome write up, thanks for sharing!
4  Creative Stone Works / Moderator, Michael Hoover / Knife Handles Artwork / Tutorials / Re: My second set of scales... on: May 31, 2015, 02:19:33 pm
The work looks good. 

Use Loctite 325 for adhesion.  I have never had a scale come off and I have over 2300 knives out there with Loctite used.

Thank you Michael.
I used Epoxy 330, but I will get some Loctite 325 for future use, can't argue with numbers like that.
5  Creative Stone Works / Moderator, Michael Hoover / Knife Handles Artwork / Tutorials / Re: My second set of scales... on: May 30, 2015, 08:21:48 pm
Thank you!
6  Creative Stone Works / Moderator, Michael Hoover / Knife Handles Artwork / Tutorials / My second set of scales... on: May 30, 2015, 04:17:45 pm
It’s been a while since I made my first set of scales, so I decided to try it again, this time with a 6-1/2” inch skinner knife. There is not a lot of rocks to choose from if making something from local rock in my part of Texas, but on a relative’s lake cabin at Oak Creek, a few hours south of here, there is chert laying all over the place.

I slabed some up;

Outlined my knife;

Trim saw work;

Cut, grind and polish, and here is my skinner. Blade is 3”, handle is 3- ˝”;

Thanks for looking!
7  Custom Designed Jewelry / Metal Clay Jewelry Desiign / Re: My weekend project... on: April 22, 2015, 09:29:15 pm
Case in point, this ring was made for one of my daughters, who saw it and said "nice Dad, but too big and clunky, can you make it smaller?"

Not sure if you can see the difference, but out came the Fordom and some grinding bits and a few more hours in the shop...

She was right, I got in a hurry and should have spent more time on it. Gotta please the customer, right?
8  The Gathering / Shows and Events / Re: Lubbock, Texas Gem & Mineral show on: April 22, 2015, 09:12:19 pm
Thanks for the compliment John, we do miss having you at our show.

By the way the wheels I picked up from you at the Tucson show work perfectly, thanks! I put them on my old Lortone Exact Span hoping they would still spin true and sure enough they work great!
9  Custom Designed Jewelry / Metal Clay Jewelry Desiign / Re: My weekend project... on: April 22, 2015, 04:15:43 pm
Yes it can. Once fired, it is .999 silver and is worked just like a fabricated piece.
Alternatively, a fine silver finding or bezel can be placed and fired with the piece, since it fires at 1650 degrees, below the melting point of the fine silver finding.
10  Custom Designed Jewelry / Metal Clay Jewelry Desiign / Re: My weekend project... on: April 21, 2015, 01:03:34 pm
Thanks, I did enjoy working on it.
Mark, you are correct about the consistency of the clay and also about using a mold. There are lots of molds and texture sheets you can buy to speed the process along.
In fact, when I first started messing with PMC, I was used to the lost wax casting method, and carved the first few pendants in wax, then molded them with sculpey mold maker and made PMC copys...
11  The Gathering / Shows and Events / Re: Lubbock, Texas Gem & Mineral show on: April 20, 2015, 09:43:28 pm
Hey Daniel, small world huh? Welcome to the club.
12  Custom Designed Jewelry / Metal Clay Jewelry Desiign / My weekend project... on: April 20, 2015, 09:33:27 pm
Well, I don't see many designs in this section, so I'll add one I did this last weekend. This is a ring I made with PMC+.

I formed the ring and let it dry, then shaped it with a file

As you can see, kind of rough still, I forgot to take another picture before I fired it.

After firing and cleaning it up

13  The Gathering / Introductions / Hello again from Texas on: April 17, 2015, 04:16:07 pm
Hello all! I've been off the forum for about 6 months, just never seemed to have time to stop by. Decided I needed to reset my priority's and catch up with some reading and posting. Glad to be back  ura
14  The Gathering / Shows and Events / Lubbock, Texas Gem & Mineral show on: April 17, 2015, 03:50:44 pm
15  Custom Designed Jewelry / Metal Clay Jewelry Desiign / Re: Where To Fire It Up? on: April 17, 2015, 03:44:13 pm
dickb, that is exactly what I have above my kiln/solder bench.  yes
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