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The Gathering / Contests and Competitions / Re: Killer Cabochon Contest Entries For March 2016
on: March 24, 2016, 03:16:42 pm
Okay...I guess it's not too late!!
This is from some of what I think they call midnight lace obsidian. I bought a bunch of rough on eBay a few months back and sliced it up with my slab saw. I forgot to get a photo of the original slab, but I have several photos along the way. In the 'conglomeration' photo there is also a image showing the back of the piece. I did not kill myself on the finish on the back and as you know polishing flat surfaces is not the easiest, but I do want to set the stone with an open back so the future owner can truely appreciate the translucent and really amazing beauty of the stone.
Was really happy about the way the final piece turned out I hope you are for me!!
Custom Designed Jewelry / Members Personal Jewelry Design Experiences / Tutorials / Guides / Re: Rhodochrosite
on: March 21, 2016, 09:47:59 am
Not sure if it would help with exactly the problems you have, but I generally use a small amount of paste solder (comes in a syringe) to hold small pieces in place. The paste solder on its own is not sufficient, but I also use it to stick little pieces of chip solder exactly where I want them. the paste solder is great when you are arranging many small pieces on a surface and get tired of them all 'jumping' away.
Custom Designed Jewelry / Members Personal Jewelry Design Experiences / Tutorials / Guides / Re: Rhodochrosite
on: March 18, 2016, 11:30:11 am
>Are up for giving it a try?<
Hmm I was really hoping you'd have some easy way of doing it, but it sounds like a lot of what I thought of when looking at it.
Although it would not look quite the same (would not have quite the 'webbing' effect) I'd think you could make a bunch of small rings with round wire and attach them all with solder to the main piece. The main piece would be precut on the outside flush with the bezel of the stone. Then make the thing stronger and recreate a bit of the webbing effect with a small silver ball soldered in between each of the rings.