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1  Lapidary Shop / Moderator, Catmandewe ( Tony ) / Miscellaneous Shop Talk / Porous stones on: September 04, 2014, 10:17:32 pm
Assuming someone wants howelite or amber on a knife, or on spoon art, how does one treat it to keep it from getting just plain gray and oily other than stabilising it? (Needs stuff I don't have that needs to be hunted for hard. )

This is weird, but can I beeswax it?? How often does it need to be done? Other options?

My rotary tool is with my dad, who's using my cutoff discs to make wood cubes to calibrate his hi-fi set. I won't see it for a long time, so I'm only doing soft stuff by hand filing.

Thank you.

2  Stone Talk / Moderator, Hummingbirdstones ( Robin ) / Share Our Finished Cabochons and General Cabbing Questions / Tutorials / Re: A Carving/Cab on: September 04, 2014, 07:14:57 am
Very very very nice! Awesome polish.
3  Creative Stone Works / Moderator, Michael Hoover / Carving Tips, Tricks and Pics / Re: Bodart/Bois d'arc/Orange Osage wood on: September 04, 2014, 06:54:26 am

. For all that work and time just to split it, the amount of $ lost per hour is likely much higher.

Berea hardwoods has African Blackwood. Freaking hard stuff. I got one little piece in the local flea market, gave up. My tools had to be sharpened twice within half an hour.
3/4" square by 5".        $2.5

Woodturningz has orange Osage pen blanks.
 3/4" square by 5",       $0.95.          (Really.)
at 1.5" x 1.5" x 12".      $5.95

Good luck.
4  The Gathering / Our Place / Re: Want to Find an Ocean-Colored Stone on: August 26, 2014, 10:37:16 pm

I was wrong. It costs more.

You can ask him if he has smaller pieces, but it's still cutting rough, not slabs.
5  The Gathering / Our Place / Re: Want to Find an Ocean-Colored Stone on: August 26, 2014, 10:34:17 pm
Blue onyx or glacier stone. I can't remember the exact price, but it's definitely below 10$ a pound.
(as of around half a year ago?)

Rockman69, ebay, has some very nice ones.

Definitely translucent, banded, with soft blue to teal tones.
6  Lapidary Shop / Moderator, Catmandewe ( Tony ) / Cabbing And Grooving Machines.. Projects / New and Used Reviews / Re: Another crazy idea..... on: August 16, 2014, 02:28:41 am
Sky stone -  pictures please? Would love to see them!

7  The Gathering / Our Place / Re: Amazing people on: August 06, 2014, 01:17:19 am
Couldn't resist. No offence meant. Praise, even.

->. Hard-core.

8  Creative Stone Works / Moderator, Michael Hoover / Carving Tips, Tricks and Pics / Re: Sneaking some time off on: August 04, 2014, 11:36:21 pm
What I especially like is the way orange peel skin can be made part of the whole like that :)

Correction: it's a collectors' web, including, but not limited to antiques.

Lol! Horse feed comes from ma Liao, ma from Madagascar, Liao meaning material.
Google translate is rubbish unless you're doing word by word, like using a dictionary.
9  Creative Stone Works / Moderator, Michael Hoover / Carving Tips, Tricks and Pics / Sneaking some time off on: August 04, 2014, 07:51:41 am

Pic won't come out. So the link is here

Found this on one of the chinese antique sites I follow. Madagascar agate.   

Don't know the artist.

Busssyy! Exams on now.  XD.  Bye!
10  Creative Stone Works / Moderator, Michael Hoover / Carving Tips, Tricks and Pics / Re: Jade Carving while in Hawaii on: June 15, 2014, 06:18:27 am
Very nice! Especially the fish hook. Love the Ogden jade material .

Awesome polish and fluid, clean lines, the lines seem a bit 2d, though.

Can you bring a flex shaft onto a flight? O.O  all the best for your wedding preparations and soon to be married life!
11  Stone Talk / Moderator, Hummingbirdstones ( Robin ) / Mineral Specimens / Re: Andean Opal? on: June 12, 2014, 09:53:22 am
For interstate only or...? Letters x small same weight packages?

 Canadians, where do you get your rocks? Rock shops in Canada ?

 hide35I'm sorry for veering everyone off topic. Oops.

12  The Gathering / Our Place / Re: what types of rocks do you like? on: June 12, 2014, 09:29:58 am
Hahaha. Really, whatever is on the table. Especially bright, solid colors, eg. Montana blue carnelians.
ANY pretty rocks.
Jade and petrified wood are always gonna be on the pedestals

Enjoy yourselves and pick out the places you want to sight see, then find a place with good rocks nearby.
13  Stone Talk / Moderator, Hummingbirdstones ( Robin ) / Mineral Specimens / Re: Andean Opal? on: June 12, 2014, 09:16:17 am
I figured that, but not fast enough. I have a bit of junk(still love it, ) sitting around on the bathroom sink table. Spray them while washing hands and enjoy the color or momentary polish. Ehehe.

Canada, IN Canada ? Domestic?

Post is lost worldwide.
14  Stone Talk / Moderator, Hummingbirdstones ( Robin ) / Rough on the bench and slabs off the saw (general minerals board) / Re: Old and new on: June 12, 2014, 04:45:39 am
All look like jade to me. How do you tell, please?
15  Stone Talk / Moderator, Hummingbirdstones ( Robin ) / Mineral Specimens / Re: Andean Opal? on: June 12, 2014, 04:41:54 am
Shipping is actually the main factor for me not buying way more rocks. When you want to return something, you pay 2 way shipping , more than pretty, cheap rocks like aventurine, green onyx and lots of other rough cost.

Min $6 per pound for total of 4lbs, pmi, one way.
Min $3 for a pound for total of 20lbs, pmi, 1 way.

And customs (anything above rm500: approx $150, but they're pretty lax, thank goodness) . Goodbye another 10%, including shipping and handling. The shipping and handling being included in taxes is a bit ridiculous, sometimes 60+25$ charged by seller(what you can see on eBay sometimes for large, below 20lbs pieces that invariably need medium or large flat rate)

And the time- up to 2 months at it's worst if it's not lost.

 I. HATE. SHIPPING. COSTS. And efficiency.   
it's not that most rocks aren't affordable , it's the shipping makes it sour a little.
And it's not that I need more rocks, but I do like to see them in stock.

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