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901  The Gathering / Introductions / Rock ID...need help on: August 28, 2012, 04:00:40 pm
I have been a long time (10+ years in some cases) member of other boards and its been a long time since I joined a new one.  I feel like such a newb here...I guess because I am!  Both to the boards and the hobby!   hide

So my question is this. For someone like me, who will undoubtedly ask a lot of stupid questions and show off his lack of knowledge on a regular basis, where is the best place to post pictures and ask those stupid newbie questions?  I don't wanna clutter up the forums but I also know there is a wealth of knowledge to be gleaned from the members here.  So where do you guys prefer a newbie to start threads looking for advice, info and help with identification?
902  The Gathering / Introductions / Re: From the heart of the Southwest...Sin City. on: August 24, 2012, 04:37:24 pm
Hey, thanks for all the warm welcomes!  How can I NOT love a board that welcomes me with some Grateful Dead?! yippie

Going out this weekend to knock the shine off my new rock hammers.  If I have any luck finding what I'm looking for I will certainly share.
903  The Gathering / Introductions / From the heart of the Southwest...Sin City. on: August 22, 2012, 02:02:45 pm
I always loved living in Vegas because I am a desert rat at heart.  And Las Vegas, although better known for it tourism side, is situated perfectly in the American Southwest for a guy like me.  I spent the last 25 years roaming through the deserts and backcountry areas all over Nevada, Utah, Arizona and So. California.  A half days drive from here puts you just about anywhere you would want to be in the Southwest.  And I've explored much of it.

Every so often I find myself adding a new hobby to make my adventures a little more, well, adventurous I guess.  A few years back ('05 I think) it was geocaching.  But I've always been fascinated with geology.  In the desert the geology is pretty much laid bare for you to see at all times.  And although I have no real education or training in the subject I still find it interesting and I think I have a little greater then average knowledge of the subject.  So, I think its finally time to really start to learn more about geology, the processes that shape the landscape around me, and most importantly, the rocks and minerals that are formed in the process.  Hopefully I will soon be learning to not just pick up a pretty rock and say "Wow, what a pretty rock" but instead say "Wow, what an interesting piece of chalcedony.  Just look at those beautiful inclusions!"

And so, another rockhound is born.  Too bad I waited til I was in my 40s.
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