General Statistics - tkcaz |
Total Time Spent Online: |
4 days, 14 hours and 6 minutes. |
Total Posts: |
294 posts |
Total Topics Started: |
19 topics |
Number of Polls Created: |
0 polls |
Number of Votes Cast: |
23 votes |
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Most Popular Boards By Posts |
Most Popular Boards By Activity |
Michael Hoover's Testing To Destruction / Turquoise, Jadieite, |
0.8403% |
Cabbing Machine Related Maintenance |
0.7371% |
Fascinating Facets |
0.6633% |
Shows and Events |
0.6410% |
Beadmaking, Drilling, and Beading / Tutorials |
0.3582% |
Discs, Wheels, Belts, Pads, and Polishing |
0.3280% |
Rock Hounding Trips, Tips, and Pics |
0.2762% |
Gemstone and Lapidary News, Events and Artices |
0.2632% |
Historical / Ancient - Evolution Of Lapidary |
0.2208% |
Cabbing And Grooving Machines.. Projects / New and Used Reviews |
0.2078% |