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The Gathering / Shows and Events / El Cajon Valley Gem and Mineral Show
on: December 04, 2015, 10:44:31 pm
Hi all
The El Cajon Valley (CA) Gem and MIneral Show is this weekend at the Lakeside Rodeo Grounds in San Diego's East County. Opens at 9 am. I'll be heading out there right after coaching my high school soccer game, I coach at the high school adjacent to the Rodeo grounds, but we're not at home this weekend. Hope some of you local to SoCal can drop by.
The Gathering / Introductions / Re: Hello from Idaho
on: September 18, 2015, 04:16:56 pm
Rained off and on all week......yesterday was the hardest. Have not been out there yet. BLM is out there, so who knows what you can and cannot do. Hope you make a new find. It's going to warm up starting today. Should be dryer when you get there,
I'm arriving in the Pacific Northwest Oct 12 and will get to Boise on the 14th. If you hear any news regarding access or conditions, I would appreciate any updates. Can hardly wait!!! Craig
The Gathering / Introductions / Re: Hello from Idaho
on: September 17, 2015, 10:25:05 pm
There was A 300,000 acre fire in the Owyhees last month. It is called the Soda fire look it up. I have not been out to look yet, can't bring myself to do it. They say 10 years of replanting. 95 is now 5 times more likely to have flash floods. New finds will be made from slides and earth moving this winter.It was a very devastating fire. If I go out there I will take some pics to post.
Thanks. I think it's raining a little in that area today, too. Going to definitely tread lightly. Probably will spend some time at Graveyard Point and swing south. Will end with a couple of days in McDermitt. Part of our thought process was spotting newly exposed material. Just hope it doesn't rain when we are there...been in the gumbo before. That being said, the challenge is half the fun!! Craig
Stone Talk / Moderator, Hummingbirdstones ( Robin ) / Rock Hounding Trips, Tips, and Pics / Re: My dream of discovery... am I too late?
on: August 19, 2015, 12:44:01 am
Never give up!!! There are always sites being discovered. It's only been a couple of years ago that I stumbled (quite literally) onto a deposit of agate in the Cady Mountains that is unique. I have posted pictures of it on this forum in the past. It has a high level of hematite and has moss, flow patterns, plumes, flames in earthtones and presents as both agate and jasper (even a clear green agate). A friend of mine sells it at shows. I think there are always things to be found. Just give it plenty of time, look in likely places and keep your eyes on the ground.