Title: Ameritool 8" Flat Lap Water Outlet Pipe Cleaning Tool? Post by: James D. Farrow on March 19, 2016, 04:50:32 am O.K. I have been using my flat lap for a while now and noticed a bit
of a build-up of waste in the water outlet tube. What do you use to clean it out? Was looking at the following: http://www.amazon.com/Diameter-Stainless-Steel-Cleaning-Brush/dp/B00REGY4M8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1458384484&sr=8-1&keywords=8mm+Diameter+Stainless+Steel+Wire+Tube+Cleaning+Brush There are lots of nylon ones but figured the steel ones would be better at scrubbing it out. Don't know how flexible they are so figured would ask here on what other use. Thanks, James Title: Re: Ameritool 8" Flat Lap Water Outlet Pipe Cleaning Tool? Post by: jakesrocks on March 19, 2016, 09:04:17 am Before trying to scrub out that outlet tube, try running something like Lime Away through it, followed by clean water.
For a fairly flexible cleaning brush, try the brushes used for cleaning restaurant coffee pots. I wouldn't use any type of wire brush, no matter how soft the bristles are. You're dealing with plastic parts. Use a plastic or nylon brush. Title: Re: Ameritool 8" Flat Lap Water Outlet Pipe Cleaning Tool? Post by: James D. Farrow on March 19, 2016, 10:18:25 am The outlet tube is metal. Looks like it has an almost 90 degree bend in it also.
Wasn't planning to rasp it just scrub gently with the wire brush. Might try CLR but not sure if that will work or not. I was just thinking maybe I should e-mail John at JS Gems. He is a distributor of the Ameritool (that's where I got mine) and maybe this came up before from another customer. James Title: Re: Ameritool 8" Flat Lap Water Outlet Pipe Cleaning Tool? Post by: tkcaz on March 19, 2016, 12:05:55 pm I've tried almost everything but with that 90 degree bend inside of the case I haven't found any tool that works well. However, a blast of air can often dislodge most of the gunk.
Title: Re: Ameritool 8" Flat Lap Water Outlet Pipe Cleaning Tool? Post by: hulagrub on March 21, 2016, 09:55:44 pm I take mine apart and clean it. Not too difficult, maybe a half hours time. |