Lapidary / Gemstone Community Forum

Stone Talk / Moderator, Hummingbirdstones ( Robin ) => Historical / Ancient - Evolution Of Lapidary => Topic started by: jakesrocks on August 14, 2012, 04:30:16 pm

Title: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on August 14, 2012, 04:30:16 pm
Just one of the many fossils I've collected over the years.

This is a front fang from an Allodesmus. A 15 million year old relative of the modern sea lion. I found this at Shark Tooth Hill near Bakersfield, California in 1954. At that time the hill was wide open, with no restrictions on what could be collected.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: christopherl1234 on August 14, 2012, 06:08:56 pm
I live in Bakersfield and they are still digging stuff up out there. One of the local museums sponsors fee digs on a regular basis now.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: ScarlettoSara on August 14, 2012, 07:10:39 pm
Nice toof:)

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 14, 2012, 07:21:39 pm
I live in Bakersfield and they are still digging stuff up out there. One of the local museums sponsors fee digs on a regular basis now.

From what I've heard, since the museum more or less took over the diggings, they're being very selective about what can and can't be removed from the area. I've heard that rare finds or extra nice finds have to be turned over to the museum.

Here's another piece from Shark Tooth Hill, collected on the same day. A partial whale ear bone with a shark tooth.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: christopherl1234 on August 14, 2012, 07:47:37 pm
And that is the reason I will not pay to dig there. I think it is wrong to charge a person to dig and then make have to submit what they find for permission to keep it. My sensibilities tell me if I pay to dig, I should be able to keep whatever I dig! I have a problem when someone asks me to pay to work for them....I guess it is my home-spun American values.

There is a mountain side not too far from there that us locals know fossils can be found. This property is owned by a big oil company that turns the other way for I am told....

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 14, 2012, 08:45:09 pm
You know, I don't have much of a thing for fossils. Mostly I guess because I'm a color fiend, and fossils don't generally have much color.

That said, when I look at fossils that belong to people (as opposed to museums, which seem so institutional), I can better visualize what it must be like to actually go out there and FIND them yourself. That is a whole nother experience I'll bet:).

The first one didn't do anything for me... but the last one.... wow... a shark tooth embedded in a whale ear?! That brings up a whole mini movie in my head of how the 2 of them ended up on your shelf Don!!! That is so neat:).

Chris, did you find any fossils out there too??

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 14, 2012, 08:54:26 pm
The shark tooth isn't actually imbedded. Most of the specimen was enclosed in cemented sand. When I started cleaning it, I found the shark tooth cemented into the sand. I left just enough sand to hold the shark tooth where found.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 14, 2012, 09:09:23 pm
Cemented sand... as in someone put it in cement, or rock became cement?

If the rock became cement, then wouldn't that mean it came from a shark biting a whale in the ear? Why would they be together otherwise?

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: ScarlettoSara on August 14, 2012, 09:25:03 pm
Maybe they were on blind date Helen:) And the shark was putting the moves on the whale:)

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: 3rdRockFromTheFun on August 14, 2012, 10:15:28 pm
I agree Christopher - if the museum is doing a fundraiser - then fine, sell dinner seats to lectures or whatever. If a museum is getting free labor by "sponsoring" digs and sifting the keepers - fine. But to combine the two is just humiliating - you pay to work for them.

Even that I could probably live with but there was a long thread here somewhere on this board that discusses all of the things museums give and throw away (including collections people have taken a lifetime gathering and donated to them in their wills). I'm not intending to demonize all museums or in all ways - there's a lot of good. But this is not one of them.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 14, 2012, 10:36:46 pm
Maybe they were on blind date Helen:) And the shark was putting the moves on the whale:)

LOL! Sara!!! I would not want no shark 'nibbling' at my ear!! GAAAAHHHH!!!!!

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 14, 2012, 10:59:18 pm
Cemented sand... as in someone put it in cement, or rock became cement?

If the rock became cement, then wouldn't that mean it came from a shark biting a whale in the ear? Why would they be together otherwise?

Helen, the area where these were found used to be an ancient sea bed. Over millions of years, bones, shells, coral and  shed shark teeth fell to the bottom and were covered by hundreds of feet of sand. Along came 2 tectonic plates fighting for the same place. The sea bottom was pushed upwards, well above sea level. More millions of years of pressure, heat and minerals in solution percolating down through the sand turned the sand into sandstone. Soft enough to be easily scraped away from the fossils enclosed in it. When I collected this piece, there was just a little bit of whale bone showing. Sandstone was carefully removed with dental and clay modeling tools and a couple of worn out tooth brushes.

When I started cleaning this piece, I had no idea that the shark tooth was there. Once I spotted it, I left enough sandstone in place to hold it where it was found. At one point, the shark tooth popped loose from the sandstone. 2 tiny drops of super glue and careful placement of the tooth, and you can't tell it ever came loose.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 14, 2012, 11:04:19 pm
Awww... but Don, the shark biting the whale in the ear idea is MUCH more interesting!!!!

But that's a pretty interesting explanation too:). Thanks:)!!

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 14, 2012, 11:10:14 pm
No more questions tonight Helen. I'm going to bed.  walker23

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 14, 2012, 11:11:35 pm
Sleep is for the weak! Anyway, the older you are the less sleep you're supposed to need!  hide35

LOL! I'm kidding!!! Nite Don:).

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 14, 2012, 11:16:27 pm
Tell that to my fossilizing old bones.  shemademe12

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 15, 2012, 09:44:16 am
Some other things dug at Shark Tooth Hill on the same weekend trip.

Whale vertebra.

Baculite sections.

Rib bone fragments.

And of course, what the hill was named after.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on August 15, 2012, 10:22:49 am
I can't imagine that Shark Hill before the can be so many shark and others died there? perhaps in same time? or one each time?

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 15, 2012, 10:34:05 am
Daniel, this area was a sea bed for millions and possibly billions of years. Many sea creatures died or were hunted over those years. Bones and sometimes whole animals sunk to the bottom and were buried under the sand, layer upon layer. The uplift which created the coastal mountains of California brought those ancient sea beds above sea level, leaving the sand and bones where they still are today.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on August 15, 2012, 10:47:10 am
Hmm...that's means we can find more or less same fossilized thing in the same layers of uplift prehistoric sea bed...i get it, thanks Don yippie24

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: tntmom on August 15, 2012, 01:13:36 pm
Those are some really neat pieces and a great history lesson too  yes16 yes16

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 15, 2012, 07:08:12 pm
I agree:). I guess it's a good thing all dino bone aren't colorful with beautiful cells, because no one would know what the bones looked like anymore:P. LOL! Those are really neat Don:).

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 22, 2012, 06:32:34 pm
Not dino bone, but another odd fossil I've found over the years. Petrified tree bark. Believed to be from a conifer.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: ScarlettoSara on August 22, 2012, 06:35:45 pm
Oh Nice:) I saw some of the pine cone fossil one time that I would love to have some of too.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 22, 2012, 06:54:35 pm
Wow... love that Don!!! That is really really neat!!!

Sara... I almost had a pine cone for a few days:P. LOL!  yippie24 yippie24

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: ScarlettoSara on August 22, 2012, 07:10:50 pm
God Helen I had to read that twice before I got it:) LOLOLOL

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 22, 2012, 07:20:39 pm
Petrified tree knot.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 22, 2012, 07:58:49 pm
Agatized Coral Head. Ecofina River area, near Scanlon, Taylor County, Florida. (Purchased specimen).

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 22, 2012, 10:54:55 pm
Bummer, photobucket is screwing up again. I went to add a couple more pics, and I'm locked out of my album. I see that 2 pics I posted here are down, and supposedly they're working on it.  dunno28

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 23, 2012, 08:37:24 am
It's BAAAAaaack ! Photobucket is back that is.  ura12

For my next one, another eBay win. A fossil fish, Knightia, from Wyoming.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: wyrock on August 23, 2012, 10:49:54 am
Great specimens Don.

It is a good thing that the guy collecting that fish did not get caught. Jail or prison time for that. They are found not too far from where I live and I have been there but I do not have the nads to carry anything out of there. lol I ain't doin no time for nuttin.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 23, 2012, 11:04:58 am
Ah Jim, where's your adventuresome spirit ? I checked, but the eBay add had been taken down. I believe the seller said that the fish plates he had were collected on private land.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: wyrock on August 23, 2012, 05:46:48 pm
hahahaha Don, that is what I would and do say about all of it. I do not know of a place where they find the fish on private land but then again I do not know everything. I do know where there are some turtles sticking out of a sandstone face that is on private property but that is in Montana.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 23, 2012, 09:51:39 pm
How about a negative limb or root cast ? Collected in the 1950's, South East of the Salton Sea in So. Cal.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 23, 2012, 09:56:11 pm
Or maybe a Cycad, also collected in the 1950's, in the high desert of So. Cal. This one is a common opal replacement, instead of agate.



I've been offered $400.00 for this piece, and turned the offer down.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 23, 2012, 10:05:53 pm
That last is gorgeous! You need to quit turning offers down if you want to make room for all those fairburns:P!

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 23, 2012, 10:13:13 pm
LOL. Helen, the guy that made the offer is a buddy of mine, and a Fairburn collector. He knows the true value of a Cycad like that, and so do I. If he comes up with a good enough Fairburn trade, I might consider it.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: wyrock on August 23, 2012, 11:15:37 pm
That is not fair. I have only been hounding for two years. lol One beautiful fossil. Would you like me to cab it for you? I hear that opal makes great cabs.

Modern fossils. I found these probably 400 or more feet above the existing bed rock of Shell Creek in the Big Horn Mountains. They were living in the creek, not uplifted when the mountains were pushed up. Somebody around here probably knows all about how they got there and how long they have been there but I do not know that person. They can be found at creek level also. I would name them "survivors".


This coral came from the same mountains but it had to be a fossil before the uplift.


Not nearly as impressive as yours Don but I have had a lot of fun finding them.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 24, 2012, 12:55:07 am
Jim, you live in the land of fossils! You should have TONS!!!

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 24, 2012, 09:27:13 am
Woolly Mammoth vertebra from a gravel pit north of Aberdeen, S.D.  Found summer of 2007.
Not quite old enough for mineralization. This was left over from the last ice age.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on August 24, 2012, 10:27:26 am qualities you have... yes16

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 24, 2012, 11:10:30 am
Another not quite a fossil.  Calcareous Tufa. Plant life growing near a hot spring, which has been encased in minerals.
This piece was collected while on a Boy Scout camping trip in the early 50's. Collected at Punta Banda, S.W. of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 24, 2012, 11:22:39 am
Part of a fossil fern. Self collected 8/28/1982 at Passo dello Stelvio, Eastern Italian Alps, Lombardia Provence, Italy, at the 9,000 ft. level. I only had a short time to explore. Wish I could have spent a few days there.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 24, 2012, 03:05:02 pm
Geez Don... that's a tad too many fossils:P.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 24, 2012, 03:08:21 pm
Geez Don... that's a tad too many fossils:P.

Hah, never. Just too small of a house to display them in.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 24, 2012, 03:45:08 pm
Agatized coral from a quarry in west central Iowa. This piece was given to me by a trucker / rockhound buddy. On here known as Montanamadman.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: wyrock on August 24, 2012, 04:49:49 pm
Helen, you have no idea how many miles I have hiked to find what I have. Plus, I have a habit of giving stuff away so I have very little at any given time. Yea yea I know, I should photograph all of it but who has the time. My leisure keeps very busy you know.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 24, 2012, 07:21:59 pm
Ever have a piece of pet wood that you just couldn't bring yourself to slab. Some are just too neat or unusual.
First a piece of pet palm from the Green Ash Hills east of Calico Ghost  Town, San Bernardino Co., Cal.


Next a just plain neat piece of wood. Don't remember where I got this one. Old Timers does that when you're an old goat like me.


And then what I believe is pet fern.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: ScarlettoSara on August 24, 2012, 08:09:42 pm
YOu fer sure good buddy Don got some good looking rocks:) I am enjoying seeing them too. Thank you:)

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 24, 2012, 08:21:00 pm
I enjoy sharing the pics.

I wonder how many rockhounds kicked that piece of palm out of the way ? The other side has such heavy desert varnish on it that it looked like all of the leaverites around it. I only picked it up because the shape was interesting. It wasn't until I washed it off at home that I discovered what it was.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: wyrock on August 24, 2012, 08:34:14 pm
Great wood. That is the way I am with my Hooty Owl pet wood that I posted earlier. I have given away or sold most of my wood but I will never part with or cut hootie.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 24, 2012, 11:05:06 pm
Helen, you have no idea how many miles I have hiked to find what I have. Plus, I have a habit of giving stuff away so I have very little at any given time. Yea yea I know, I should photograph all of it but who has the time. My leisure keeps very busy you know.

I was just teasing you Jim:). Wyoming is a HUGE state, and not that I'd know, but seems like every state has little hidden pockets of stuff, and finding it is never easy:).

Pictures is always a good idea tho! Not just for us, but for yourself too:)!! ura12 ura12

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 24, 2012, 11:05:40 pm
I ALWAYS enjoy seeing pictures!!!  yippie24 yippie24

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on August 25, 2012, 08:17:21 am
Me too.... ura12 I have much neat and perfect pet wood, fossilized coral agate etc wich is too neat to cut.....

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: wyrock on August 25, 2012, 08:29:34 am
Ok Helen, I got up off my butt and took some pics of a few things that I still have and will probably will keep. First up is a coral base that was found somewhere between 8000 and 9000 feet above sea level in the Big Horn mountains.

My son gave this to me so I do not know where it came from but it was probably somewhere in Montana.

Cross section of stromatalite that could have been found anywhere around here because it really is everywhere. The most popular yard rock around here. I will be showing an uncut pic of this in a post I am going to do about my hounding trip yesterday

If you walk enough around here you will run across these from the size of a mouse up to a cow skull. Buffalo is the most prized but they are extremely hard to find. I do not know if this is dog, coyote or ---

You probably saw this in another post but here it is again. Devils toenails. Only name I know.

This is like a turitella or turtella but the shells are different. This is solid agatized rock.

That is about it for fossils that I have now but who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: ScarlettoSara on August 25, 2012, 08:40:52 am
Love the tour:) You got enuff for a museum yourself Don:) Hope your kids appreciate rocks too:)

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 25, 2012, 08:49:52 am
What kids  dunno28. I haven't seen or heard from my kids since 84, when my ex and I split and she disappeared with them.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 25, 2012, 09:30:34 pm
Those are great Jim!!! I like the one your son found best, looks like a shell that no longer exists. It's nautilus shaped, but not spaced right, and has frills. That is neat!!! The dog skull is perfect! But YUCKY GROSS CREEPY and I couldn't have that in my house! GAAAH.

I like the first one too, doesn't look like you'd get colorful slabs out of it, so you don't have to cut it:). I like the pattern:).

Don... WE can be your kids:)!!!

Dad, can I borrow the car?  yes16

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 25, 2012, 09:36:46 pm
No thanks Helen. Jake is my kid.  yippie24

No cars around here. Just an old rock getter pickup and my wifes SUV.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: ScarlettoSara on August 26, 2012, 07:10:17 am
LOLOLOL NIce try Helen:)

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 26, 2012, 10:53:04 am
Tisbury Star Coral. Scleractinia Species, Ebrayia Dightonthomasi. From west of Salisbury, Wiltshire, England.
I received this specimen in a trade with a friend from London.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 26, 2012, 12:55:13 pm
Oh that's very cool... seeing the pattern running through the entire length of the rock!!!

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 28, 2012, 04:01:50 pm
Oh that's very cool... seeing the pattern running through the entire length of the rock!!!

Helen, can you see the star patterns on the outer rind ? My British friend also sent an end nub that I'm going to cab. It will show the star pattern that this type of coral gets its common name from.



Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: ScarlettoSara on August 28, 2012, 06:24:01 pm
I love the stars:)

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 28, 2012, 07:29:07 pm
How about a little Dino Poop ?  yippie24 Coprolite.  dancer27



Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: wyrock on August 28, 2012, 07:43:06 pm
   help26 help26  dang dang dang. I still am not going to be able to ID coprolite from that. I guess I am going to have to roll around in it for a while to get a feel for it. Or not. lol I would bet that I have cut some slabs of the stuff and did not know it. Would it help if I smelled all my slabs. Licking is totally out of the question so please do not suggest it.

Great stone and beautiful neck poop thingy Don.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 28, 2012, 07:58:06 pm
Need to get better pics of the bola and cut rough.

Guess you could always try a coprolite sandwich.  Most is full of cracks, but every once in a while you get a piece big enough to cab.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: ScarlettoSara on August 28, 2012, 08:01:35 pm
That Dino needs to drink more water and eat more fiber:) Beautiful colors Don:)

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 28, 2012, 08:15:08 pm
I'll try the bola again. It's coprolite on desert iron wood. The white spots are tiny pockets of crystal.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: ScarlettoSara on August 28, 2012, 08:17:57 pm
Love it so much:)

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 28, 2012, 08:47:26 pm
This is local material from our gravel pits. Pet wood which has turned to coal, but still retains the wood grain.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: ScarlettoSara on August 28, 2012, 09:31:59 pm
er I am not too sure I could wear this one to the garden club. Ever since I made that little mistake of wearing my bra on top of my blouse they think I am slipping and this is too close to the edge of additional slipage for me.
No pun intended:) If you laughed then I did:)

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 28, 2012, 09:44:28 pm
Yup, I laughed. It brought back memories. A few years back I had to have radiation for a couple of small skin cancers. The radiologist was a fossil lover, so I wore the bola to an appointment. I took the bola off and handed it to a nurse to hold while I was getting zapped. She ooo'd and AAAh'd over the bola, and wanted to know what kind of stone it was. Should have seen the look on her face when I told her. The radiologist and I both had a good laugh.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 28, 2012, 11:18:40 pm
That coprolite is a great color!!! I'm not a huge poop person tho:P. LOL! I can't see going anywhere and having someone ask me what I'm wearing and then saying 'Dino POOP!!!". Uh.... LOL!

But the Tisdale is toooo amazing. I remember the first time you posted that and I thought it was gorgeous. I have a cousin in London and asked him to go FIND some.... haven't heard from him since:(....

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 29, 2012, 08:13:19 am
LOL. My ex was from Coventry, England. Wish I had known about Tisbury coral while I was stationed in Scotland. I would have gotten some myself.

If I were a woman and someone asked me what the jewelry stone was, my answer would be, Oh, just some old crap I had laying around.  ura12 ura12 ura12

You wouldn't believe how many bolas and belt buckles I've made out of dino poop or bone for kids. They love the stuff. Great show & tell material in class.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: wyrock on August 29, 2012, 09:23:02 am
lol Don, that is a good story and the bola is top notch.

Scarlett O, You know that we always want the pics behind the story.  yippie24 yippie24 ura12 ura12
You could wear two bolas to get that little extra lift. weight23  chuckle02 chuckle02 eyes12 eyes12
Ooook I am outa here

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: ScarlettoSara on August 29, 2012, 09:49:40 am
looks at JIm's tail and rocks over it in her rocker......

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: wyrock on August 29, 2012, 10:18:02 am
Is my tail that obvious? hide35

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on August 29, 2012, 11:13:53 am
Piece of fossil turtle shell. From my last trip out to the S.D. grasslands. Found about a mile S.W. of Railroad Buttes.



Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on August 30, 2012, 02:07:55 pm
You know... I have NO idea what part of a turtle is bones... hrm!

That's the shell??

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on September 07, 2012, 03:50:51 pm
Latest addition. Won in an auction held by Donnie.
Mammoth tooth.




Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on September 07, 2012, 04:27:34 pm
Very neat Don!!

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: wyrock on September 07, 2012, 05:13:15 pm
hahaha I saw the bidding on that and it shot up so fast I could not keep track of it. Went back and saw that you had won it. Super display piece.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on November 16, 2012, 02:44:10 pm
Latest addition to my fossils. Won on ebay. Fossil sea urchin.
Phymosoma Texanum
From a limestone quarry north of Austin, Texas.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: wyohikeit on November 18, 2012, 02:00:57 pm
Wonderful specimines!  wyrock and I are spoiled living in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming, we are litteraly surrounded by fossils!

Thanks for taking the time to put up all these wonderful pictures!

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on November 18, 2012, 03:07:23 pm
I enjoyed sharing them. When I get something new, I'll add it to this thread. In the meantime I hope others will add their own fossils.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on November 28, 2012, 12:40:54 pm
I believe the piece of turtle bone that I have is a piece of the back ridge of a juvenile of this critter.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on December 12, 2012, 09:16:53 am
Woow....very nice bolo tie! Also your new fossils colections, you have a wide range of them  yes16

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on January 16, 2013, 10:11:40 pm
Latest addition. Horn Coral from the Fox Hills formation, South Dakota.



Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on January 17, 2013, 10:10:08 am
Fossil Hexagonaria type coral, found in road gravel while walking my dog. In 16 years of walking that gravel road, this is the only piece I've found.



Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on January 26, 2013, 11:24:04 am
Not as interesting looking as most fossils is the Stromatolite known as Mary Ellen jasper. The precambrian, 22.2 - 2.4 billion yr. old fossil remains of crude under water plant life. Stromatolite Collenia Undosa is found in the Mesabi Range, St. Louis Co., Minnesota.



Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: DonniesTreasures on January 26, 2013, 03:35:46 pm
Pretty cool!  You can see all the little critters? in it.  Are you going to slab it?

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on January 26, 2013, 03:39:52 pm
Yup. gonna cut slabs and a sphere preform. I'll save an end nub to face polish for a specimen. I'll set a slab aside for you Donnie. May be a couple months until we thaw out enough to haul the saw out.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 13, 2013, 04:12:06 pm
Got some new fossils today.

Annularia - Sullivantii. From the personal collection of the late Prof. Donald L. Schuder of Purdue University. Collected in the early 1960's from the Indiana coal strip mining area, Sullivan, Indiana.

Asterophyllites Equistiformis. Also from the late Prof. Schuder's collection. Collected in the early 1960's from the Indiana Coal strip mining area, Sullivan, Indiana.

Calamites Cistii (Annularia) From 306 million Y.O. grey siltstone near Attleboro, Mass.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on March 13, 2013, 09:11:22 pm
Love them have very large range interesting fossil and rock specimen, thanks for pictures yes16.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 13, 2013, 09:33:52 pm
Daniel, I'll be posting more fossils over the next few days. I'm just waiting for them to come in the mail.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 13, 2013, 10:34:38 pm

 It's a type of extinct seed fern, Neuropteris Scheuchzeri.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on March 14, 2013, 04:24:10 am
Ooo.... that is perfect one, i'm not familiar with Latin/science name only know very little in medical or chemical, that came from Neuron? Its looks like a nerve cell to me.... yes16

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 14, 2013, 07:41:50 am
Daniel, it's a leaf from an ancient fern.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 14, 2013, 03:07:21 pm
New Specimens. Trilobite death plates. Elrathia Kingi
Wheeler Shale Formation, House Range, Drum Mountains, Millard Co., Utah.
Mid - Cambrian era, 505 Million Y. O.



Trilobite -- Asaphiscus Wheeleri
Info same as the above two.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 14, 2013, 04:54:54 pm
Difficult to see, but there are 350 million year old foot tracks in this piece of mudstone from Plainville, Massachusetts. Pre Dinosaur, amphibious reptile foot prints. There are several partial prints, and one nearly complete print which the pointer is pointing to. Also near the right side  of the piece is a tail drag imprint, left by the tail of one of these ancient creatures as it walked across the mud.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on March 15, 2013, 06:50:18 am
  yes16........Very nice!

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 17, 2013, 03:52:54 pm
As a collector of fossils, I thought it would be wise to warn of fakes coming from China and Morocco. Also a small amount of fakes coming out of South America.
I have ordered a partial fake, in which the fossil is real, but the matrix it's attached to has been faked. As soon as it arrives, I'll post a pic of it with warnings about what to look out for. In the meantime I've stumbled across a short but good video about fakes coming from Morocco.

In general, all trilobites coming from Morocco or China should be suspect. Also small fossil animals coming from China.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 18, 2013, 10:44:04 pm
I hate this new Photobucket. Got 3 new fossils today. Gonna try putting them on here, but don't know if it's gonna work.

NEUROPTERIS --- Mazon Creek Formation --- Grundy Co., Illinois

NEUROPTERIS with BASE PINNULES --- Mazon Creek Formation --- Grundy Co., Illinois

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 18, 2013, 10:46:25 pm
KNIGHTIA EOCAENA (with Coprolites) --- Green River Formation --- S.W. Wyoming

Title: Re: Ancient Fang and other fossils.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 19, 2013, 09:25:33 pm
I hate the new Photobucket. I have 4 new fossils to post, and this new change has everything screwed up. I opened new Shutterfly and Flickr accounts, and can't figure out how to post pics from either of them. Anybody know how to find the IMG codes on those accounts ?

Forget about it. I just cancelled both accounts. As screwed up as Photobucket is, at least I can get IMG codes to post here.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: helens on March 20, 2013, 09:55:10 am
I could post pix from Flickr before by right clicking the image link. I tried the other day, and it wouldn't work... there was a message saying they changed it so people had to go to the site (guess they all decided that they were not being credited for use of their storage site if people could link directly).

So far, haven't seen a way to do it on Flickr, but I suspect if Flickr did this, every photosite has done something similar:(. If anyone finds one that is linkable now, hope they let us know.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 20, 2013, 11:03:27 am
Well, photobucket is working again, ( sort of ). Just have to work around a big pop up add that blocks the IMG codes on the last pics in the album. So I'll try posting my latest 4 fossils.

Fossil fern from the Mazon Creek Formation. Neg. & Pos. halves.

Tiny fossil fern from the Mazon Creek Formation. Neg. & Pos. halves. About dime size.

Neuroteris Fimbriate ( fossil fern ). From the coal strip mining area near Sullivan, Indiana.

Unidentified Trilobite. Possibly Ameura species. From an old estate collection. Collected in the early 60's near Manhattan, Kansas.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 20, 2013, 07:23:17 pm
A couple more that arrived today.

Ptychagnostus atavus Agnostid. ( Blind Trilobite ).  Wheeler Shale Formation, House Range, Drum Mts., Millard Co., Utah.

(( Rare ) , Bolaspidella Drumensis. Wheeler Shale Formation, House Range, Drum Mts., Millard Co., Utah.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on March 21, 2013, 12:37:13 am
I can see them all jakes.......... yes16 yes16 yes16

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: RockIt2Me on March 21, 2013, 06:28:20 am
I could post pix from Flickr before by right clicking the image link. I tried the other day, and it wouldn't work... there was a message saying they changed it so people had to go to the site (guess they all decided that they were not being credited for use of their storage site if people could link directly).

So far, haven't seen a way to do it on Flickr, but I suspect if Flickr did this, every photosite has done something similar:(. If anyone finds one that is linkable now, hope they let us know.

I open Flicker-click on my picture-right click and select 'medium 500'-right click on the image again-select 'copy image URL'
Go to my forum post and click on the little picture icon- 'paste' the URL between the img tags


Does photobucket take less steps?  I would love something faster.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on March 21, 2013, 07:49:33 am

I used Flickr and Picasa, Picasa is easier and faster for me  dunno28.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 21, 2013, 11:01:50 am
This arrived at my door minutes ago. A gift from a friend in western South Dakota.
Fossil Coral from the Badlands of S.D.


Already got plans for this piece. Once the weather warms up, this puppy is going to become a sphere with a pocket of the natural finish showing. Fossil coral from the badlands and grasslands of S.D. at times show Fairburn type fortifications. This piece shows signs in the pink area near the top.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 21, 2013, 06:52:33 pm
New specimens this evening.
Ammonite Dactylioceras. Upper Lias, Alum Shales, Whitby, U.K. --- All fossils from this area are Pyrite replacements, giving them a brassy appearance.


Extinct & Rare Crustacion of the Belotelson sp. Mazon Creek, Illinois --- Difficult to see even in hand.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 22, 2013, 11:35:22 am
Almost forgot I had this one. Fossil Sand Dollar, dug from Sharks Tooth Hill in California in the early 50's.



Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on March 23, 2013, 09:06:47 am
Jakes, what is sand dollar fossil exactly is? Thank you... yes16

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 23, 2013, 09:36:48 am
Daniel, check this link to find out more about sand dollars.

This link will explain what sand dollars are. Mine are fossils, but living sand dollars are found all over the world.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 23, 2013, 05:51:03 pm
New additions.

Rare --- Trilobite --  Modocia Typicalis -- Marjum Shale Formation, Utah

Rare --- Trilobite -- Modocia Weeksensis -- Weeks Shale Formation, Utah

Very Rare.--- Trilobite -- Modocia Brevispina -- Wheeler Shale Formation, Utah

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on March 25, 2013, 07:34:56 am
If those above trilobite is mine i'll cut 3mm outliner as a free form and set a pendant for big one and ring for small one  saved14
Very neat fosils Jakes yes16.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 25, 2013, 07:48:47 am
Daniel, any that I've marked as rare should never be cut as jewelry. They are much more important as study pieces.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 25, 2013, 06:03:10 pm
Compound Scutes, ( Bony Scales ) of the dasyatis species. An ancient stingray.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 25, 2013, 06:46:00 pm
(( BUYER BEWARE )). [I bought this Trilobite as a training aid. This is just one of many fake or doctored fossils coming out of Morocco and China.
While this Trilobite, Cornuproetus Cornutus is in fact a real specimen, coming from the Atlas Mountain region of Morocco, It has had many small repairs. The matrix it sits on is man made and artificially weathered. Also on close inspection with a loupe, pin holes can be seen in the epoxy which was used to attach the specimen to the matrix. Another giveaway to the faked matrix is the faint yellow glow under S.W, ultraviolet light. Another giveaway is the fact that the matrix has been overworked with an air scribe. And still another giveaway is that if you heat a needle and press it into the bottom of the matrix, you may get a little black smoke, and the smell of burning plastic.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 25, 2013, 11:01:08 pm
Note for Daniel.

You might find the following link interesting. It seems that fossil coral and shells are fairly common in Indonesia. You may be able to collect some real beauties.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 27, 2013, 04:10:31 pm
Goot Chit Mon. Coprolites from New Mexico. I laid this on the floor by the back door, and my wife blamed it on Jake.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 27, 2013, 05:45:38 pm
A trace fossil. --- Swim tracks left in ancient mud by amphibians. The pointer on the right points to one. Can you spot the rest ? Specimen is from near Plainville, Massachusettes.


Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on March 27, 2013, 08:32:31 pm
Hi Jakes...thank you for the link and warnning, i really appreciate that. I don't have knowledge about fossils but i think i have quite much molusca fossils, i have...tons of amonites and there is quite much non ammonites fossils with them i don't know anything about them at all, would you help me to recognise them for me? i'll be glad to post mine here yes16

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 27, 2013, 08:37:48 pm
Post away Daniel. I'm not an expert, but I'll help if I can.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 27, 2013, 08:41:57 pm
More trace fossils. Trilobite tracks left in mud during the lower Pennsylvanian period. Both pics from the Hale formation, Cane Hill member, Washington County, Arkansas.



Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on March 27, 2013, 09:10:57 pm
Thank you Jakes, i'm sure you are the expert.....i will take pictures when i found one and post it here yippie24

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: jakesrocks on March 28, 2013, 09:59:59 pm
Did a little fishing today.

Armigatus Brevissimus --- Hajoula, Lebanon

Davichthy Garneri --- Hajoula, Lebanon.

Title: Re: Ancient Fang.
Post by: lonelygems on March 28, 2013, 10:19:18 pm
 saved14 saved14 saved14 you must be used a fossilized worm to catch them..... yes16

Thanks Jakes...enjoyed your very interesting collection yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on March 28, 2013, 10:23:11 pm
Hi Daniel.  yippie24 I'll have a bunch more coming from Poland in a few days. I'll post pics as I unpack them.

I'm really not a fossil expert though. Every time I get a new one, I break out the books and learn what I can about it.


Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: NuevoMundo on March 28, 2013, 10:26:05 pm
This is long overdue, of course, but I have tremendously enjoyed this thread. It is informative and pretty extensive at this point so I think it deserves to be 'stickied'

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: NuevoMundo on March 28, 2013, 10:28:07 pm
Also, I edited the title to be a bit more descriptive. You can change it to whatever you like by editing your first post of the thread, Don. Some other folks with running threads do this as they update... or not. Whatever you feel like doing.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on March 28, 2013, 10:36:41 pm
Thanks for the sticky. I'll add more pics as I get new fossils, and encourage others to share their fossils here too. It's a learning experience for all of us.


Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on March 28, 2013, 11:10:42 pm
Yes...learning any positive thing is very made me want to sort all my fossils and keep them safe yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on March 28, 2013, 11:15:43 pm
Daniel, at 71 years old, I still try to learn something new every day.

Take care of your fossils. Some very important fossil finds have been made in your part of the world. Who knows ? You may be the next to find something great.


Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on March 30, 2013, 02:27:18 pm
Another fossil Stingray Scute. (Toothed scale) This one still has about 90% of the tooth attached. From a dry creek bed in Missouri.


Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on March 30, 2013, 08:38:43 pm
All right Jakes..... yes16 Most of mine is amonite, coral and pet wood but there is other things found like snail, clam, weird "stick" dunno28

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on March 30, 2013, 09:06:46 pm
Daniel, why don't you post some pics of your fossils ? I'd love to see them.


Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 03, 2013, 08:59:38 pm
New one today. Blastoides.-- Pentremites Symmetricus. -- Ridenhower Formation, --  St. Clair Co., Illinois.
These look like plants, but were actually animals closely related to starfish.


Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on April 04, 2013, 01:19:15 am
Hi Jakes...i still need more time to post some fossils pictures..some interesting fossils i forgot where i put them, i must search from my fossils sacks pile one by one hide35

I also have much of very interesting rock noduls yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 04, 2013, 10:29:44 pm
Here's an oddball fossil plate These little critters are Tentacullites. Even the real Paleo guys can't figure out how to classify these.


Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 05, 2013, 10:09:08 am
There's always room for a few fossil sea shells in the collection.




Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 05, 2013, 08:43:49 pm
This arrived today. Interesting reading. The author has been collecting and studying these critters for 40 years. The profit he makes on the book goes towards more fossil digs and studies. Problem with reading about these critters is, now I want one in my collection.


Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on April 06, 2013, 06:04:49 am
Definitely cool critters....some kind of crustaceans i think. yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 06, 2013, 08:33:37 am
Daniel, Eurypterids are Arthropods. Modern versions are  butterflies, beetles, flies, ants, bees, spiders, scorpions, shrimp, and crabs. They were related to the Trilobites in the distant past.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 06, 2013, 04:47:31 pm
Let the fun begin  ura12 ura12 There's an approximately 6 inch fish hiding in that matrix. I've drawn with pencil over the fish. I finally get to try out my new Paasche Air Eraser. I'll try to take breaks from the fun, long enough to post progress pics.


Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 06, 2013, 06:39:28 pm
Another one to play with. This is a Camptasaurus vertebrae still partially encased in matrix. I'll have to use the air scribe on this one, before hitting it with the air eraser. Specimen from Pit 13, Morrison Formation, Crook Co., Wyoming. Lower Jurassic.


Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 08, 2013, 02:12:41 pm
Couple new ones today

Exogyra Ponderosa -- ( An ancient oyster ) -- Upper Taylor Clay formation, near Austin, Texas. -- Approx. 100 Million years old.

Under side of oyster. Bottom half of shell is offset slightly, but still there.

And what I call mother natures masterpiece, because it reminds me of a country farm field.

Renaultia Schatzlarensis -- A rare type of fern, approx. 310 million years old -- From Poland.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: itsandbits1 on April 08, 2013, 07:10:44 pm
I haven't myself either but have you collected anything from the McAbee fossill beds?

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 12, 2013, 02:44:34 pm
Got a piece of gem dino bone today. It will be slabbed for cabs, but it's still fossil material so decided to post it here. This is from Wyoming.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 12, 2013, 06:02:06 pm
Couple more pieces of bone. Both are a pale blue. Both from Wyoming.

Bone 1
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Bone 2
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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on April 14, 2013, 06:43:16 am
Hi Don....i think i found some interesting fossils, they hide in my amonites sacks....

I think they all fossilized corals but prety different than usual corals...... yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 14, 2013, 07:28:04 am
The first looks like Crinoid stem. Second and third are coral. That third piece would make a nice looking sphere.

Keep the pics coming. You have some interesting material.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on April 14, 2013, 07:56:58 am
Thank you Don.....i did search cirnoid, they're beautifull animals, i found that the second pic is also cirnoid. I'll keep the coral as it is undamage piece yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 14, 2013, 08:13:55 am
That coral is a very nice specimen piece. Worthy of being displayed. It's one of the hexagonaria types, but not sure which one.

This might help identify it.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on April 14, 2013, 08:29:17 am
WOW Don....there is a lot great specimens, all i know is just fossilized coral....hexagonaria is new word to me, now i know that i have some nice hexagonaria corals. Thank you very much Don.... yippie24

I think fossilized hexagonaria corals is rare kind....i rarely found in my coral pile.. dunno28

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 14, 2013, 08:38:01 am
There are probably a thousand or more different hexagonnaria type corals scattered around the world. Not really that rare. But certain types of hexagonaria are very rare. It would be interesting to find out which type you have.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 14, 2013, 09:29:23 am
This isn't nearly as nice as your specimen. This was collected from the Cheyenne River gravels in western South Dakota. It has been tumbled in the river , but is probably a hexagonaria type coral. Most likely from the Pierre shale formation. I'll have to grind a small window to see if it has the hexagonal pattern of hexagonaria.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on April 14, 2013, 09:44:09 am
I have some type i think, and i ever see clear hexagonaria somewhere. I'll find it and post picture....i have many types of coral.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 14, 2013, 09:52:02 am
I would like to see pics of your Ammonites.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 17, 2013, 06:45:29 pm
These just arrived a few minutes ago from a friend in central South Dakota. No identification on these yet.

First is a clam death plate. Part of a hard mud ball from the Pierre shale formation.
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Next is an interesting shell in chert. Also South Dakota collected.
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And finally a very interesting shell that will take a bit of work to fully expose.
Update. So far this one is known to be a brachiopod of the order Spiriferida. I have a book on fossil shells ordered, and may be able to completely identify it after the book arrives.
( (]

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on April 17, 2013, 07:31:26 pm
The first picture, is it a fresh water clam fossils from river bed?

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 17, 2013, 07:49:58 pm
The first picture is clams from an ancient shallow sea which once covered most of the central U.S.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: Bentiron on April 18, 2013, 04:06:39 pm
I've been watching the new series on NOVA about Australia's geology and last night it showed these enormous beds of fossilized clams along the coast, miles of them similar to yours,  amazing pictures. You may be able to look at them on the PBS web site.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 18, 2013, 06:04:14 pm
If the P.O. is on the ball, tomorrow I'll have a box of Michigan fossils. I'll get pics to post as soon as I have a look at them.

Anybody know of a good book on identifying fossil shells ? I've been all over the internet, and keep drawing a  blank.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 19, 2013, 09:41:28 pm
I received a box of fossils today from RTH member Juggler Guy. (Rob). I haven't had a chance to clean them or hit the books for identification yet, but I wanted to share a couple tonight. I'll edit in identifications after I get them.

A couple of types of coral from Partridge Point, Alpena Co., Michigan.
My bad. These aren't corals after all. They're Bryozoans, more closely related to Brachiopods.

Fenestrellina species.
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Fenestrella Species.
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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 20, 2013, 09:41:21 pm
Gotta love death plates. Even the small ones hold so many surprises. This one is from the Devonian strata of Alpena Co., Michigan.
It's loaded with Crinoid stem pieces, at least 2 types of clams, branching sponge and many small pieces of Fenestrellina.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 21, 2013, 09:58:43 am
Zaphrentoides. (Horn Coral). Haven't had time to clean these yet.
Early Carboniferous age. 410 - 355 Million Years Ago.
1/4 mile from the Potter Farm shale formation. Alpena Co., Michigan.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: Bentiron on April 21, 2013, 06:47:58 pm
I know what I'm about to say is almost heresy but that texture would look great on a piece of jewelry you know. I could probably use a silicon material to pull a mould of that.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 22, 2013, 08:38:03 am
Heresy ? That borders on a sadistic act of terrorism for us fossil lovers shocked30. Actually though, the patterns are so thin that it would probably be hard to pull a pattern off of them.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 22, 2013, 09:07:20 am
Echinoid spines  (Fossil sea urchin spines)
Potter Farm shale formation. Alpena Co., Michigan.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 23, 2013, 12:42:47 pm
Rugose Bryozoan. (Branching Habit)
Potter Farm Formation. Alpena Co., Michigan

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: Bentiron on April 23, 2013, 05:18:06 pm
If I can pull fingerprints and have them cast in iron I'm pretty sure I could pull those and cast them in silver or bronze. I ain't all that difficult to do. I had an artist who wanted his bronzes to be so good that the police could pull his fingerprints from the casting and tell who did the work but he got pissed at me because mine turned up on the piece too. So there is no problem in getting the texture on those small deathplates.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 25, 2013, 09:12:50 pm
200 + pages of valuable information arrived today. 4 more books are in the mail, headed this way.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on April 26, 2013, 05:38:40 am
Hi Don, very nice and interesting book....we don't have a books like that originally Indonesian author. As i promised to post more pictures here.......some amonites, crab and clams. I'm sure i have some varieties but don't know what it is....i also have a very small 3 to 5 mm amonites somewhere.


Thanks for looking.... yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 26, 2013, 08:05:50 am
Very nice Daniel. Thank you for posting pics. I especially like the ammonites which show the suture lines.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on April 26, 2013, 09:16:46 am
Thanks Don, i'll post more pictures when i found something interesting...... yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 26, 2013, 09:20:03 am
I'll be looking forward to seeing your pictures.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: Bentiron on April 26, 2013, 04:31:46 pm
Those little ones would make nice ear rings and finger rings.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on April 26, 2013, 08:33:25 pm
Yes it is Ben.....i made some rings and also rosario with 5mm amonites yes16.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 27, 2013, 08:42:23 am
Another new addition to my growing library of fossil books. This one came yesterday, and has already helped me to identify a fossil shell from Michigan.

( (

Hopefully this afternoon the Holy Bible of Fossils will arrive at my door. 837 pages of knowledge.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on April 27, 2013, 08:49:44 am
Those books....are they expenssive? Can i identified some Indonesian fossils with them?

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 27, 2013, 08:57:28 am
Most of the books I have describe American fossils. However the book which should arrive today will cover fossils from all over the world. It is quite expensive, and also is out of print. I found a good used copy on ebay for U.S. $59.00. I also found a new copy, but it was over $600.00.

I believe there are books on Indonesian fossils. I'll have a look around. If I find any I'll send you links in a personal message.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on April 27, 2013, 09:03:01 am
WOW....thanks Don yippie24

$600 books is to far for me.....

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 27, 2013, 09:08:14 am
LOL. Me too. That's why I bought a good used book.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 27, 2013, 07:23:33 pm
Ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls. I present to you the Holy Invertebrate Bible. She's old and worn like me. You can barely read the title on the spine. But she's all intact. Index Fossils of North America by Shimer & Shrock. 837 pages of very valuable fossil information. And she's mine, all mine.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on April 27, 2013, 11:01:16 pm
WOW...what a precious treasure you have Don..... yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 29, 2013, 09:30:01 pm
Got 2 more fossil books in the mail today from a friend. All good and valuable info.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 01, 2013, 11:09:55 am
Woo Hoo  yippie24 !! Just scored 5 new Trilobites on ebay, and have 3 more to bid on. 2 are rare varieties and 1 is extremely rare. I'll post pics as soon as they arrive.
They're coming from a collector / seller in Bolivia, so may take a week or 2 to get here.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on May 01, 2013, 06:08:48 pm
Congratulation Don.....looking forward for pictures yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: Bentiron on May 02, 2013, 03:44:41 pm Here is a link for Cincinnatian Fossils, enjoy!

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 02, 2013, 04:17:50 pm
Not Trilobites, but a new addition anyway. Preliminary ID on these is Atrypa Spiriferida, (Lamp Shell). From the Potter Farm Formation, Alpena Co., Michigan.
These have been a cleaning experiment in progress. The shells were partially encrusted with a gray clay type shale. I carefully chipped away any loose material and then soaked them for 24 hours in water. Scrubbed them with an old toothbrush, put them in clean water and froze them. After thawing, some of the remaining shale had loosened and was removed. Then scrub with the toothbrush and refreeze. It took 5 freeze, thaw, clean cycles to bring them to this point.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 05, 2013, 08:04:02 pm
7 new Trilobites on their way from Bolivia, and another from the U.S. that should be here next week. The Bolivian seller has some really rare ones. Can't wait to see the ones I bought.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 09, 2013, 04:53:14 pm
New addition to my trilobite family.
Modocia brevispina. -- Wheeler Shale formation. -- House Range, Western Utah.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 13, 2013, 04:05:16 pm
Woo Hoo !! Another book about fossils arrived today. One can never have enough books about fossils.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 16, 2013, 10:15:25 pm
This new book on Trilobites is a real treat to read. Not at all the dry, scientific book that I thought it would be. The author collected his first Trilobite at age 14. Along with teaching about Trilobites in a way that the layman can understand, he takes you on a journey through his life of collecting. I'm on page 76 now, and have enjoyed every page so far. Recommended reading if you're interested in Trilobites. yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 21, 2013, 09:37:59 pm
YEEEE HAAAAA  yippie24, my first box of Bolivian trilobites cleared customs. Should be here in a couple days. Pics coming soon.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on May 22, 2013, 06:02:10 am
Hi Don....i'll be glad to see more fossils pictures, i still haven not selecting my corals for pictures....i did slab and cab like crazy in last 2 weeks yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 22, 2013, 09:45:43 am
 woohoo1 I just ordered 2 more trilobites from my Bolivian collector / seller. I think I'm getting addicted to these ancient sea bugs. roar29

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 23, 2013, 01:19:52 pm
My first 2 Bolivian Trilobites finally arrived.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on May 23, 2013, 08:51:46 pm
Very nice.......those yellow is unusual. Both looks like a cut and opened nodule yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 23, 2013, 09:00:41 pm
They are little mud nodules. They carefully crack them open with a rock hammer.
I'll have 6 more coming from Bolivia early next week. Then 2 more coming in about 2 weeks. Mail coming from Bolivia takes for ever to get to the U.S., and after it does, it has to go through customs. These sat in Florida customs for 2 days before being sent up to me.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on May 23, 2013, 09:17:16 pm
That is pretty long time.....but it is worth for those really nice fossils speciment yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 23, 2013, 09:21:34 pm
Stay tuned next week Daniel. Some that are coming are very rare types.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on May 23, 2013, 09:28:37 pm
Thanks Don.... yippie24

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 23, 2013, 09:32:25 pm
Do you find any Trilobites in Indonesia ? If so, I might be interested in getting some from you.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on May 23, 2013, 10:30:46 pm
I never hear about that, i don't have any.....i'll try to find out from my friends here yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 23, 2013, 10:36:02 pm
Cool. I'd appreciate it.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 24, 2013, 04:41:52 pm
Got a surprise from a friend today. A Neospirifer from the Pierre Shale in South Dakota.

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It's a slow process, but this shell is cleaning up nicely. After soaking overnight in water I was able to pop quite a bit of the shale off. This shell is very heavy for its size, (1.425 " long), and seems to have at least partial pyrite replacement. The yellow color in the pics is the pyrite showing through. Very interesting ribbing and growth lines. Once I'm finished with cleaning, I'll post new pics.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 27, 2013, 10:27:42 pm
Shell mostly cleaned. Needs soda blasting yet.
Preliminary identification is Brachyspirifer audaculus. This may change after digging deeper in the books.

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Updated 6/11/2013. More cleaning. Pyrite is really starting to show. I'm afraid I may loose details if I do much more cleaning.
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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: Bentiron on May 28, 2013, 05:03:22 pm
If I remember correctly there was an article in Lapidary Journal Jewelry Artist magazine about a similar fossil from New Mexico that had some interesting crystal formations inside them, nice looking cabs and beads made from them.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 28, 2013, 05:10:49 pm
This one is from the Pierre Shale formation in South Dakota, and appears to be about 90% pyrite replacement.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 29, 2013, 09:43:09 pm
I'll soon be able to display my fossils and fossil books properly. Tonight I ordered an antique barristers bookcase with 4 shelves with glass doors and a small drawer at the bottom. Can't wait to dig the fossils out of their boxes and wrappings.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 30, 2013, 05:11:32 pm
Bolivian Trilobites that arrived today.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on May 31, 2013, 04:42:35 am
Congratulation for your new trilobits collections Don.... yes16

I wonder how did you/they know there is a trilobit or other fossils inside a nodules?

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 31, 2013, 08:12:04 am
Daniel, I'd guess that someone found a mud nodule that had broken open naturally and saw the critter inside. That probably led to the person breaking a few open to see if anything was inside them. We have similar mud balls in the Pierre Shale in north central South Dakota. Some can weigh up to several hundred pounds, and have beautiful ammonites and bivalves inside of them. The last shell I posted came from one of the Pierre mud balls.
I'm going to try to take a 2 or 3 day trip over to the Pierre Shale later this year, to collect a few of the smaller mud balls. It's only about a 2 hour trip from where I live.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 31, 2013, 05:37:53 pm
I scored a bunch of much needed fossil cleaning tools on ebay. 22 used dental pics. These are great for cleaning in hard to reach places. They are stainless surgical steel, can be heated and bent to the shape needed, and can be resharpened many times.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on June 06, 2013, 09:20:43 pm
These will be the last fossil pics for a while. I just spent a load of money on aluminum framing materials for my fossil / mineral prep bench, and can't afford any more fossils for a while.

First an enrolled specimen, so named because most trilobites were able to role into a ball as a defense against larger critters that wanted to eat them.
Pennaia verneuili (enrolled).
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Very rare Vagesina lacunafera.
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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on June 10, 2013, 09:34:42 pm
Daniel, I'd guess that someone found a mud nodule that had broken open naturally and saw the critter inside. That probably led to the person breaking a few open to see if anything was inside them. We have similar mud balls in the Pierre Shale in north central South Dakota. Some can weigh up to several hundred pounds, and have beautiful ammonites and bivalves inside of them. The last shell I posted came from one of the Pierre mud balls.
I'm going to try to take a 2 or 3 day trip over to the Pierre Shale later this year, to collect a few of the smaller mud balls. It's only about a 2 hour trip from where I live.
Very interesting Don, if i'm right....we not always got same type of fossils inside a mud nodule and there is also an empty one or a fake one.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on June 10, 2013, 10:11:26 pm
LOL. We get a lot of mud balls with nothing inside too.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on June 10, 2013, 10:20:01 pm
Thats it what i mean....kind of gambling if buy a mud nodule...:):)

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on June 11, 2013, 09:21:33 am
Daniel, I can't speak for Indonesia, but over here you seldom see unbroken mud nodules for sale. I've only seen small batches of them for sale twice. For those who collect and sell, the money is in the opened and proven nodules. And they have to open an awful lot of nodules to find the ones worth selling.

I'll collect some nodules from the Pierre Shale in the near future. For every 10 that I bring home, I expect 1 to really have a prize in it. Some of the largest and best ammonites in the world have come from the Pierre Shale. Usually in mud nodules weighing 50 pounds or more. I'll be happy if I can find a little one.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on October 05, 2013, 02:25:49 pm
Received today from Teddy. A nice big enrolled trilobite, and a fossil coral head. Need to hit the books for an ID on the trilobite.

Thank you Teddy.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on October 08, 2013, 04:45:54 pm
Coral before and after a 12 hour bleach soak.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on October 23, 2013, 12:58:50 pm
Got an early birthday present from a facebook friend yesterday. Fossils from the Pierre Shale and Minnelusa Formation in South Dakota. Pics in a few minutes.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on November 17, 2013, 05:36:21 am
Been a while since I added a new fossil. Got one yesterday.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on November 21, 2013, 10:16:55 pm
New this evening. This rock has the crabs. Actually male and female castings of a fossil crab. From the Monterey Shale formation, Carmel Valley, California.

Pinnixa galliheri
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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on November 26, 2013, 10:42:07 pm
A few new fish and a tooth came today.

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Some of the fish need more prepping and better labels. A good winter project when it's too cold to work in my shop. Just sit back in my recliner with some good tunes on, a cup of coffee on one side and Jake squeezed in on the other side. My Optivisors on my head, and a rack full of dental tools. All slow, careful hand prep.

And finally, I just had to bring this tooth and partial jaw bone back home to South Dakota where it belongs.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on November 29, 2013, 06:34:02 pm
At long last, fossil pine cones to add to my collection. These contain fossilized pine nuts in some of the cells.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on March 21, 2014, 10:55:47 am
It's been quite a few months since I've added new pics. I've been sick since early November, and haven't had the strength to sit and take pics. That hasn't stopped my ebay bidding though. I'm finally back on my feet, though the meds I'm taking tend to make me sleep a good part of the afternoon away. Anyway, I took a couple pics this morning to add to the collection.

First pic was a get well gift from a South Dakota friend. A partial, unidentified fossil crab extracted from a mud ball from the Pierre Shale formation in S.D.
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Next an ebay win Trilobite
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And finally another ebay win. A Stromatolite from the Sahara Desert in Morocco.
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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on March 21, 2014, 06:29:54 pm
Hi Don...long time not see you in this topic, i just back few days and start bugging here again :):):). Feel so sorry for your health and also glad to know you're ok now yippie24

Your posts here is high value information about fossils world and no other contributors can even close with what you added here.

Those pine nuts and stromatolite is perfect specimen, thanks for sharing and wish you are always in good health..... hatsoff14

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on March 21, 2014, 06:36:06 pm
Glad to see you back too Daniel.

Health still isn't 100%, but I'm getting stronger every day. I was going to take and post another pic this afternoon, but after taking my noon medications, I couldn't hold my camera steady enough to take a pic.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on March 21, 2014, 06:48:52 pm
Don't push your self to hard....keep take enough good rest and meds, back here sometimes to enjoy posts or share pictures with us  yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on March 21, 2014, 07:15:28 pm
I'm down to 2 pills a day. But each one knocks me out for an hour or so.

I should be able to post some good pics soon.  A couple weeks ago I won a factory refurbished Nikon camera with super good macro. Bought a copy stand to mount the camera on, and a couple of good photo lamps. Then tonight I ordered a sturdy table top tripod. Now I need a good table to set everything up on. Camera in macro mode can focus on objects just over 4 inches away, so I'll be able to get good details in my pics.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on March 21, 2014, 08:10:24 pm
Thats good....both pills and new camera yes16, I know what felt if we can't sleep either we want and need that, once i don't sleep for a week in hospital.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on March 21, 2014, 09:10:43 pm
LOL. seems like all I've wanted to do for about 4-1/2 months is sleep. Sure feels good to finally be regaining my strength. Maybe when it warms up a little bit, I'll be able to drag my big saw outside and start getting caught up on slabbing.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on March 23, 2014, 08:58:55 am
 yes16 yes16 yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on March 26, 2014, 03:02:09 pm
Finally ready for good pics. Copy stand, photo lights and sturdy low profile tripod.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: rocks2dust on March 26, 2014, 04:15:56 pm
Nice set up! I may need something like that soon as my unsteady hands mean that the light has to be very bright in order not to get a blurry mess.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on March 26, 2014, 04:42:09 pm
R2D, at 72 years old, it's nearly impossible for me to get a decent hand held pic. I started assembling this setup out of necessity.  Still learning my new camera, but pics will be coming soon.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: lonelygems on March 27, 2014, 03:12:33 pm
Nice set up! I may need something like that soon as my unsteady hands mean that the light has to be very bright in order not to get a blurry mess.
Same here.... yes16

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on March 27, 2014, 06:20:37 pm
New addition. Mylocheilus Robustus.  Partial jaw with teeth from an ancient fish which was related to the modern carp. Pliocene era. Oreana, Idaho.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 01, 2014, 09:17:00 pm
I'll add that the fish jaw needs more cleaning. After it warms up and dries around here, (we had blizzard conditions yesterday), I'll break out my little soda blaster and remove more matrix around the teeth and jaw bone.
It should clean up real nice, and the soda blasting should put a little shine on everything.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on May 17, 2014, 07:10:00 pm
Pickins have been pretty slim on ebay lately, but I just had to bring this one back home to South Dakota. The tooth has been beautifully prepped.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on June 05, 2014, 06:48:56 pm
believe this is a willow relative.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on June 28, 2014, 07:51:46 pm
Fossil insects.

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Fly on left. Flea on right.

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Oops, forgot I had this one. Both eyes are complete on this trilobite, and the rear portion of the body is folded under.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on August 31, 2014, 02:05:49 pm
New insect. Appears to be a fly or bee.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on September 14, 2014, 01:06:34 pm
I don't normally trust fossils from Morocco, but this came from a trusted seller.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on September 20, 2014, 07:34:39 pm
Couple more new fossils.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on December 02, 2014, 09:32:13 am
I haven't done very much with fossils lately, but did manage to win a couple the other day.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on January 03, 2015, 01:01:00 pm
Finally, a new fossil insect. Hard to see, but at the top is a little Fungus Gnat.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: ScarlettoSara on January 14, 2015, 02:58:57 pm
I loved seeing all these fossils, thank you for sharing them:)

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on January 14, 2015, 04:19:36 pm
I loved seeing all these fossils, thank you for sharing them:)

You're welcome. I enjoy collecting them and sharing with others.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on January 18, 2015, 01:44:28 pm
Got a new bug yesterday.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: ScarlettoSara on January 24, 2015, 07:15:05 pm
Pretty little feller:)

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: Isotelus on January 25, 2015, 05:26:51 am
A new mud bug from my part of the world.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on January 25, 2015, 11:00:28 am
New addition to the fossil collection.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: ScarlettoSara on January 25, 2015, 12:39:41 pm
It always amazes me how they can determine this is a whale ear bone...:)
I had to think for a minute to remember where the whale's ears are:)
You got a really nice collection:)

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on January 25, 2015, 12:51:30 pm
It always amazes me how they can determine this is a whale ear bone...:)
I had to think for a minute to remember where the whale's ears are:)
You got a really nice collection:)

I should imagine that whales haven't changed much in the millions of years that they've been around. The ear bones are probably very similar to modern day whales.

Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on January 28, 2015, 03:12:33 pm
Possible discovery. While trimming one of my Wyoming trilobites to make it lay flat in a Riker mount, a large flake came off the back. When I looked at it I could see fossil material showing. I chipped away a little more shale and found what appears under a loupe to be 2 tiny fish hatchlings. The longest is only 1/4" long. I'm gonna chip away a little more shale and put it under the microscope.
See what you think.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on February 03, 2015, 06:06:20 pm
Something new for this week.

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And a freebie from my favorite seller. It's polished on one end.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on February 11, 2015, 03:51:04 pm
This came yesterday.

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Title: Re: Jakesrocks (Don) takes us on a fossil tour!
Post by: jakesrocks on April 30, 2015, 05:12:56 pm
Got a couple more fossil pieces today.

Petrified wood from the Boron Dry Lake area of California. Boron pet wood can be every bit as colorful as Arizona rainbow wood, but has the advantage of far fewer fractures. This piece will go into my Boron mineral collection.

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And a piece of Utah gem bone.

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